Fix the FMP: Forests for Life, not for firewood and woodchips.

Fix the FMP: Forests for Life, not for firewood and woodchips.

Our unique South West forests are being mismanaged with major negative impacts.

The State Government is currently reviewing logging and burning practices under the 10 year Forest Management Plan (FMP). 

The FMP was written under the Barnett Government, and it ignored scientific advice and community concerns, and set logging levels far too high. It also allows for clear-felling and intensive logging of ancient karri and jarrah forests.

The draft review, which has been released for public comment, offers a real opportunity to correct the problems left by the Barnett Government, and get forest and wildlife protection back on track.

So ...

Our unique South West forests are being mismanaged with major negative impacts.

The State Government is currently reviewing logging and burning practices under the 10 year Forest Management Plan (FMP). 

The FMP was written under the Barnett Government, and it ignored scientific advice and community concerns, and set logging levels far too high. It also allows for clear-felling and intensive logging of ancient karri and jarrah forests.

The draft review, which has been released for public comment, offers a real opportunity to correct the problems left by the Barnett Government, and get forest and wildlife protection back on track.

So far, the draft review is just a rubber stamp for increased logging at the expense of forests and wildlife.

Carbon dating has shown that logs from trees between 400 and 600 years old are being trucked directly to woodchip and firewood processing plants.

Rare and critically important nesting hollows that only form in very old trees are being destroyed, threatening Black Cockatoos and other wildlife with extinction.

We need to tell the McGowan Government to make forests and wildlife a priority. 

Please send your pre-filled submission now, and tell the WA Government to use the draft review to protect forests!


Send Your Submission

Send the pre-filled submission below to tell the WA Government to use the current review of the Forest Management Plan to protect forests.

The Government is seeking feedback until Friday 19 October.

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