Mulga Rock is home to the unique marsupial mole, sandhill dunnart and brush tailed mulgara. Plans for the mine include clearing 3,709 ha of native vegetation replacing it with 14 waste rock piles and 9 open pits.
This mine and processing facility would take up to 15 million litres of groundwater a day and leave behind 32 million tonnes of radioactive mine tailings.
Send a message to the EPA objecting to uranium mining at Mulga rock.
Last week WA Mines Minister Bill Marmion revealed that at a time of budget deficit, the state has spent $300 million of our ...
Mulga Rock is home to the unique marsupial mole, sandhill dunnart and brush tailed mulgara. Plans for the mine include clearing 3,709 ha of native vegetation replacing it with 14 waste rock piles and 9 open pits.
This mine and processing facility would take up to 15 million litres of groundwater a day and leave behind 32 million tonnes of radioactive mine tailings.
Send a message to the EPA objecting to uranium mining at Mulga rock.
Last week WA Mines Minister Bill Marmion revealed that at a time of budget deficit, the state has spent $300 million of our taxpayers money to subsidise and promote uranium exploration and development in WA. Let the Government know that it’s not ok to spend tax payers money to support and unwanted, unsafe and unnecessary industry like uranium mining.
Send a message to the EPA today.
Uranium miners in WA are racing against the clock in a last ditch attempt to get approvals. Why? Because they know if the Labor party win the next state election their projects will be worthless. Labor have committed to a ban on uranium mining if they win office, so now the race is on for miners to get their projects approved before the state election in March 2017.
Thanks to you and thousands of other people the EPA has received over 15,000 submissions objecting to the Kintyre, Yeelirrie and Wiluna uranium mine proposals. Now there is one more - Mulga Rock.