Say NO to the Buyers - write to Perdaman

Say NO to the Buyers - write to Perdaman

The Scarborough development will cost close to $16 billion dollars and Woodside can’t build Scarborough if nobody wants to buy their dirty gas. 

SAY NO to the buyers and stop the proposed Scarborough gas project in its tracks.

There are three major companies that have made deals to prop up Scarborough and buy Woodside’s dirty gas. 

Western Australian company Perdaman is planning to build a fertiliser processing plant right next door to Woodside’s onshore Scarbrough facility.

Not only will Perdmanan’s plan to buy Woodside’s gas help pay for Scarborough to get built, but it will ...

The Scarborough development will cost close to $16 billion dollars and Woodside can’t build Scarborough if nobody wants to buy their dirty gas. 

SAY NO to the buyers and stop the proposed Scarborough gas project in its tracks.

There are three major companies that have made deals to prop up Scarborough and buy Woodside’s dirty gas. 

Western Australian company Perdaman is planning to build a fertiliser processing plant right next door to Woodside’s onshore Scarbrough facility.

Not only will Perdmanan’s plan to buy Woodside’s gas help pay for Scarborough to get built, but it will release pollution of its own, and increase air acidity that will further damage the nearby Aboriginal rock art.

Say NO to Scarbrough supporters are already successfully applying pressure to Perdaman - including protests outside Perdaman’s Perth office - calling for them to stop this highly polluting development which will help prop up Woodside’s Scarborough plans.

In the last decade ordinary people have made a huge difference by standing up to big companies like Perdaman and forcing them to abandon dirty fossil fuel projects like Scarborough.

We can stop Scarborough dead in its tracks if Perdaman dumps Scarborough’s dirty gas. It’s time to speak up and SAY NO to Perdaman.

Write to Perdaman today, calling on them to SAY NO to buying gas from Scarborough. 



Tell Perdaman to rule out buying Scarborough gas

Email Perdaman today! Wish Vikas Rambal, the Chairman, a Happy Vikmas!

Write to Perdaman, calling on them to say NO to buying gas from Scarborough.

In the last decade ordinary people have made a huge difference by standing up to big companies like Perdaman, and forcing them to abandon dirty fossil fuel projects like Scarborough.

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We’ve provided a letter for you to use as a guide. You’re welcome to edit the letter and put it into your own words, while remaining polite and friendly.