Stop UWA partnering in extreme fossil fuel production

Stop UWA partnering in extreme fossil fuel production

image of Stop UWA partnering in extreme fossil fuel production

Western Australia’s most prestigious university has been strongly criticised for a partnership with the state’s biggest polluters, aimed at supporting extreme and remote oil and gas developments previously out of reach with existing technology.

The Centre for Long Subsea Tiebacks is a new partnership between UWA, Woodside and Chevron supported by the WA Government. The partnership would aid plans to develop new remote gas fields like the Browse Basin and Scarborough fields that would produce around four times the pollution of the Adani coal project.

 “This partnership is deeply irresponsible and its aims profoundly dangerous for humanity. Globally ...

Western Australia’s most prestigious university has been strongly criticised for a partnership with the state’s biggest polluters, aimed at supporting extreme and remote oil and gas developments previously out of reach with existing technology.

The Centre for Long Subsea Tiebacks is a new partnership between UWA, Woodside and Chevron supported by the WA Government. The partnership would aid plans to develop new remote gas fields like the Browse Basin and Scarborough fields that would produce around four times the pollution of the Adani coal project.

 “This partnership is deeply irresponsible and its aims profoundly dangerous for humanity. Globally, we are fighting for our lives to keep carbon in the ground - the very last thing we need is new technology to extract even more carbon that would further accelerate the climate crisis. Piers Verstegen, Director Conservation Council of Western Australia

The UN has said the use of fossil fuels already in production will far exceed safe limits, and this year, natural gas use has taken over from coal as the biggest contributor to global growth in carbon emissions. Despite this, the UWA partnership aims to develop yet more ‘unburnable’ carbon.

If the partnership goes ahead, it will directly aid the development of extreme and remote fossil fuel deposits globally, ensuring that global temperatures are pushed far beyond safe levels.

Ask the UWA Chancellor to abandon the partnership with WA’s biggest polluters and instead focus on developing WA’s world class renewable energy potential.



Stop UWA partnering in extreme fossil fuel production

Ask the UWA Chancellor to abandon the partnership with WA’s biggest polluters and instead focus on developing WA’s world class renewable energy potential.


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