Call on Labor to protect forests and wildlife

Call on Labor to protect forests and wildlife

Right now, spectacular karri and jarrah forests rich with birdsong, ancient trees, wildflowers and an incredible variety of plants and animals found nowhere else on Earth are being bulldozed, chopped down and burned. 

Carbon dating has shown that logs from trees between 400 and 600 years old are being trucked directly to woodchip and firewood processing plants.

Rare and critically important nesting hollows that only form in very old trees are being destroyed, threatening Forest Black Cockatoos and other wildlife with extinction.

Forests For Life sets out a comprehensive plan for the south-west and leaves no doubt that the transition ...

Right now, spectacular karri and jarrah forests rich with birdsong, ancient trees, wildflowers and an incredible variety of plants and animals found nowhere else on Earth are being bulldozed, chopped down and burned. 

Carbon dating has shown that logs from trees between 400 and 600 years old are being trucked directly to woodchip and firewood processing plants.

Rare and critically important nesting hollows that only form in very old trees are being destroyed, threatening Forest Black Cockatoos and other wildlife with extinction.

Forests For Life sets out a comprehensive plan for the south-west and leaves no doubt that the transition of the timber industry into plantations and farm forestry and the protection of the south-west forests is the way forward for our forests, wildlife and communities.

Labor has a strong record on forest protection and made very important commitments in the lead-up to the State election in March 2017 to ‘Immediately conserve High Conservation Value forests’ and ‘Move to complete the transition of the native forestry industry’.

We are calling on the McGowan Government to act urgently to take up the win-win opportunities that Forests For Life sets out, and to secure the future of the south-west forests, wildlife and communities.


Act Now for the Forests

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